Test Suite for WebDAV Functions on Amaya

This sequence of tests intents to examine the WebDAV functions present on Amaya. It is important to remark that a web server with WebDAV capacities (DAV compilant server class 2) is needed for those tests.

Lock tests

  1. Try to lock a DAV compilant resource.

    Menu "Cooperation->Lock resource"

    Result: a message dialog

  2. Try to lock a DAV compilant resource that is already locked.

    Menu "Cooperation->Lock resource"

    Result: a message dialog informing that the resource is locked by somebody else (timeout XXX)

Unlock tests

  1. Try to unlock a DAV compilant resource that you have locked using Amaya

    Menu "Cooperation->Unlock resource"

    Result: a message dialog

  2. Try to unlock a DAV compilant resource that was locked by other user (or using other application)

    Menu "Cooperation->Unlock resource"

    Result: a confirm dialog informing you that the resource is locked by somebody else (timeout XXX), and asking you if you want to overwrite is information.

  3. Try to unlock a DAV compilant resource that is not locked

    Menu "Cooperation->Unlock resource"

    Result: a message dialog informing you that the resource is unlocked

  4. Try to unlock a DAV compilant resource when exiting a locked resource.

    First certify yourself that the option DAV_AWARENESS_ONEXIT is activated in your registry (DAV_AWARENESS_ONEXIT=yes in thot.rc). Then, lock a DAV compilant resource. Once you have the lock, quit the locked resource by opening another URL.

    Result: a confirm dialog informing you that the resource is locked and asking you if you want to unlock it.

  5. Try to unlock a DAV compilant resource when exiting the application.

    First certify yourself that the option DAV_AWARENESS_ONEXIT is activated in your registry (DAV_AWARENESS_ONEXIT=yes in thot.rc). Then, lock a DAV compilant resource. Once you have the lock, quit the application.

    Result: a confirm dialog informing you that the resource is locked and asking you if you want to unlock it.

PUT tests

  1. Try to save a DAV compilant page locked by you

    First, lock the desired page. Then, modifiy and save it.

    Result: Amaya normal behaviour for save

  2. Try to save a DAV compilant page locked by other user (or using other application)

    Modify the document and save it.

    Result: Amaya normal behaviour for save and a confirm dialog informing you that the resource is locked by somebody else (timeout XXX), and asking you if you want to overwrite this information.

  3. Try to save a DAV compilant page unlocked

    Modifiy the document and save it.

    Result: Amaya normal behaviour for save

Copy lock information tests

  1. Try to copy the lock information from a DAV compilant resource locked by other user (or using other application)

    Menu "Cooperation->Copy lock information"

    Result: a dialog with the information copied.

  2. Try to copy the lock information when entering in a DAV compilant resource locked by other user (or using other application)

    First certify yourself that the option DAV_AWARENESS is activated (DAV_AWARENESS=yes in thot.rc) and the resource URL is coverd by DAV_URLS entry in your registry. Then, go the desired resource.

    Result: a confirm dialog informing you that the resource is locked by somebody else (timeout XXX), and asking you if you want to copy this information.

View lock information tests

  1. Try to view the properties of a locked DAV compilant resource

    Menu "Cooperation->View lock information"

    Result: a dialog with some DAV properties of the resource.

  2. Try to view the properties of a DAV compilant resource

    Menu "Cooperation->View lock information"

    Result: a dialog with some DAV properties of the resource.

Awareness tests

With the options DAV_AWARENESS (DAV_AWARENESS=yes) and DAV_AWARENESS_ONEXIT (DAV_AWARENESS_ONEXIT=yes in thot.rc) activated in your registry, do the folowing tests:

  1. Try to enter in a DAV compilant resource locked by other user (or using other application), and which lock information you didn't copy before

    Result: if the resource URL is covered by DAV_URLS entry, a confirm dialog should appear and "Locked?" entry in cooperation menu should be marked. Otherwise, nothing should happen.

  2. Try to enter in a DAV compilant resource locked and which the lock information you have copy before.

    Result: a confirm dialog should appear

  3. Try to enter in a DAV compilant resource locked by you

    Result: nothing should happen

  4. Try to quit a DAV compilant resource locked by you or a DAV compilant resource locked which lock information you copy before

    Resukt: a confirm dialog informing you that the resource is locked and asking you if you want to unlock it.