Most documents are made of paragraphs, except for documents such as
bibliographies. The structure schemas Letter, Sheet,
Report or Slides use the same Paragraph model.
A Paragraph can have one of the following types:
- Simple_paragraph: the most simple type of paragraph.
- Quotation: like Simple_paragraph except that lines are
shorter and indented to the right.
- Example: a sequence of lines with the Courier typeface.
- List: itemized list of unnumbered Paragraphs. The mark
of list items is defined by the Item_mark attribute (Bullet, Dash,
Plus, Double_plus, Asterisk, Diamond).
- Description: list of Description_items composed of a
Description_heading and a Paragraph.
- Paragraph_with_head: a paragraph heading in bold typeface and a
Paragraph placed below and indented to the left.
- Enumerate: numbered list of items. The numbering format (the
default format is Arabic numerals) is defined by the Item_number
attribute (Roman numerals or letters in lowercase or uppercase are available).
- Indented_program: recursive structure of
Statement_blocks containing Statements.
- Side_by_side: two Paragraphs placed side by side. This
type of paragraph must be placed within the same page (page breaks are not
allowed within Side_by_side).
- Group_of_paragraphs: a group of Paragraphs with which a
presentation can be associated through the Highlight attribute
(frame, background color or hair line).
[Section 13] [Table
of contents]