The Biblio model permits the creation of documents composed of a list of bibliographic references.
There are 6 types of bibliographic references (of type Bibliography or Biblio_entry): Article, Book, Conference, Manual, Report and Dissertation. The contents of each bibliographic reference depend on its type (for an Article, the journal title must be specified whereas, if you create a reference to a Dissertation, you have to specify the name of the university in which the viva voce took place).
The Ident field allows each reference to be identified (abbreviation of the names of authors and of the year, for instance). This identification is used as a key in the ``Bibliography with keys'' presentation schemas.
The First_page_number attribute defined for the root element (Biblio) permits to change page numbering. The default value is 0. To change the value of this attribute, select the whole document, then choose the First_page_number entry from the ``Attributes'' menu.
Several presentation schemas can be used to edit bibliographic references: