Linux Configuration for Thot

Hardware configuration

A 486 or better processor is recommended.

12 Mb of memory is a must, 8 for X-Window and 4 for Thot. 16 Mb recommanded.

A full Thot installation should not use more than 20 Mb of disk space, independantly of users' files.

But a source compilation take a LOT of space, especially if turning on debugging switches of the compiler.

An accelerated graphic card is recommanded.

A 15 inches monitor is a minimum, and to work comfortably a 17 inches monitor is better.

Software configuration

Thot has been tested with linux since 1.2.13 and up to 2.0.28, it should work with all the standard kernel versions.

Thot requires XFree 3.1 or later, i.e. it needs X11R6 with dynamic libraries.

A.out and ELF systems are supported, with recent dynamic libraries.

Motif 2.0 is statically linked inside the binaries of Thot..


Excepts for the limitations dues to the physical size of the screen, Thot runs fine on laptops.


Thot should work fine with display on remote X-terminals. X terminals using black and white, as well as grey-shade are supported. But one must be sure to make the fonts present in the distribution available to the X-server.