Re: Comments

Fri, 12 Jan 1996 19:58:28 +0100


As, i am concerned with the images in thot, i will just answer you
to the question related to gif2ps export. In fact, we do produce
the postscipt for gif, jpeg, xmb, xpm but this ps is produced
when the entire document is printed. So, trivially we can ajust
the export process to solve your pbm. The problem that this
arises is in my opinion more general ....

Think if for every exported format, we restrict images to
be a subset of those we are currently supporting. This meens
that thot have to include an image export facilty between
image formats which is more efficiently handled by imaging tools
like xv.

Finally, for your problem the best solution is to transform images
to encapsulated postscript and afterwards to export to latex. As a
last point, ps viewers are by now extended to handle compressed
images in which case this effort will become shortly irrelevant.


-=-=- Nabil LAYAIDA -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
INRIA Rhone-Alpes ( Equipe Opera ).
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