>I just installed thot on my Slackware 2.3 (kernel 1.2.15) system, but when I
>run thot, my X server crashes. I did install the a.out version. I am very
>interested in trying this package, and would appreciate any help possible.
could you give us a bit more of explanation.
Does it crash upon startup or while using it ?
You could also edit the file :
replacing the last line
${THOTBIN}/thotmain $* &
strace -o /tmp/thot.strace ${THOTBIN}/thotmain $* &
this way we can collect a trace of all the operating system call
made by thot before the crash (stored in file /tmp/thot.strace).
Once collected could you upload the result onto hatutu.imag.fr
FTP server in the incoming directory, please ?
thanks in advance for your help,
Daniel Veillard : | Bull-IMAG Systems | You should give me a chance
Daniel.Veillard@imag.fr | Centre Equation | This can't be the end
Tel : (33) 76 63 48 39 | 2 ave. de Vignates | I'm still loving you
Fax : (33) 76 54 76 15 | 38610 GIERES FRANCE| Scorpions
Home: (33) 76 63 05 86 | http://hatutu.imag.fr/veillard/veillard.html
L'erreur est humaine mais un veritable desastre necessite un ordinateur