Re: Status of Thot?

Daniel Veillard (
Tue, 21 May 1996 10:02:02 +0200

Hi Jeff,

>It seems that the traffic here has all but stopped. What is happening
>with Thot? I looked at the release version two months or so ago,
>which was nice in concept but had some rather serious problems with
>printing in US-Letter format, and also with rearranging my key
>bindings in a destructive fashion. There was some talk about fixing
>these bugs in the next release. When will that be? I am also willing
>to type in some impressions about things which could make Thot more
>useable if there is still work being done on Thot. As it is now, I
>cannot use it since I cannot really print well. Note, I picked up the
>US-Letter and English-dialogue patches, but this did not completely
>solve the problem (the margins are still way off in the vertical

Sorry, we were working hard on the HTML specific version of the editor
(Amaya, AKA Tamaya) during the last month, a lot of thing have changed
and we didn't had too much time to test and release a new version of Thot.
But, we are now working on integrating back changes to Thot editor, fixing
bugs and we will release a new version within 2 weeks (I know, I already
promised a similar release a few month ago, but we didn't had time to test
seriously the changes made, so the release was not made at this time).
Please send us your comments, we will try to fix the problems. Concerning
the key remapping, it's fixed now, concerning the US-Letter format, we are
working on it, the next release should improve thing but the final solution
(having a paper format selection in the Print menu) won't be ready in the
next release.
Concerning the TeX output, we didn't investigate too much, It seems that
various incompatible versions of TeX are out, with different font naming
scheme, and we won't have the time to support more than one version. If one
of them is becoming THE standard, we would be interested if someone send us
the differences needed in the output to be conformant with the current state
of the art. As you understand, we don't have too much time so help is needed
for this kind of improvements.

Thank you all to give us some feedback,


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Daniel Veillard : | INRIA Rhone-Alpes | You should give me a chance | 655 av de l'Europe | This can't be the end
Tel : (33) 76 61 53 85 | 38330 Montbonnot | I'm still loving you
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