I made a (rather coarse) list of problems I had with thot and amaya.
-- Frederik FouvryResearch Officer CL/MT Group Department of Language and Linguistics University of Essex E-mail fouvry@essex.ac.uk Wivenhoe Park URL http://clwww.essex.ac.uk/~fouvry/ Colchester ESSEX CO4 3SQ Tel. +44 1206 87 20 91 United Kingdom Fax +44 1206 87 20 85
- after program block: jumping more than one level up at the time is not possible using the menu (one has to choose `program statement' and then again go one level up, and at last delete all the program statements).
- `Bibliographie' is not very nice in an English text (check again the last two characters of the first word of this sentence).
- tabs in indented programs disappear in export to HTML/LaTeX.
- `Abstract' and `Keywords' become in HTML `Resume' and `Mots cles' ... Also when you start a new document these words appear first in French (later on, when changing the presentation, or reopening the document, it is OK).
- While making an index, the editor always crashed before I could reach three indices in the list ...
- the LaTeX verbatim environment puts an empty line as last line.
- menu window should always remain on top (which is the case when they are called a second time).
- after crashes of the editor, the settings often changed (i.e. the colours of selections).
- export to html: for references it only fills in [] as reference text. It does not fill in any name like [Music, 1995].
- the arrow cursors don't go forwards over courier fonts and references (notes, bib, ...)
- Thot DEVOURS colour memory. Is there no way to omit the colours window ?
- colours in Amaya crashed
- Save window should always be on top (unlike in thot even after the second time calling)
- save for images does not seem to work (if I understand the functionality right).
- images: files: only first letter.