>> J'uitilise le shema de structure Rapport
(je reponds en anglais pour le cas ou d'autres utilisateurs anglophones
seraient interesses),
I suppose that your problem is the following : you would like to modify the
text which is automatically genereted by the editor before the title of
sections (the number of the section).
If it is not your problem, please try to precise it.
The text to be produced automatically is specified in "presentation schema"
associated with structures schemas (several presentation schemas can
be associated with a structure schema : to change from one schema to another,
see the entry "Present" of the "Document" menu of the editor).
Thefore, if you want to modify such a text, you have to modify a presentation
schema, and to compile it. Compilers are not available in the current Thot
diffusion, but it will be in the next release (next month).
So the best to do is to go on writing your thesis, and with the next release,
you will create and compile a presentation schema by adapting an existing one
to your needs, and simply edit your documents with your new presentation
(without having to modify the content of your document).
Cecile Roisin
EMAIL: Cecile.Roisin@inrialpes.fr
Unite de Recherche Rhone-Alpes,
projet OPERA ( http://opera.inrialpes.fr/OPERA/ )
655 avenue de l'Europe
38330 Montbonnot Saint-Martin
TEL: (33) 76 61 53 60
FAX: (33)76 61 52 52