Re: thot launch on IRIX 6.2

Paul Pichaureau (
Mon, 24 Feb 1997 16:50:42 -0800

-------------------------- wrote :
After downloading the Amaya and Thot SG binaries, Amaya works fine, but
Thot does not (latest binaries, downloaded last week). In fact upon
launching Thot from its '/usr/local/Thot/SGI/bin' directory, I get the
following messages:
WARNING: cannot open file
cannot find messages table

I tried to re-load the binaries and so forth, no success...
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Yours sincerely,


Je viens d'essayer d'installer Thot sous IRIX 5.3. J'ai exactement les
memes pb. J'ai correctement positionne la variable LANG, et j'ai verifie
que tout les fichiers cites etaient present.

Ca ne marche tjrs pas... Des idees ?

Paul Pichaureau 	     e-mail :
IPCMS-GEMME    		     Et il arriva que le Jeune Paul...
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