Re: How to do presentation schema for APA biblio refs?

Randy Gobbel (
Thu, 6 Mar 1997 15:21:50 -0800

At 2:39 PM +0100 2/27/97, Cecile Roisin wrote:
>>> My impression is that Thot is probably powerful enough to handle this
>>> complicated spec, but actually casting this into a schema is not an easy
>>> task for a Thot beginner like myself. I would appreciate any suggestions
>>> from Thot experts on how to set up this schema, and indeed if I'm right in
>>> thinking it can be done at all.
>You are right, with Thot it should be possible to define (using the S and P
>languages, see this kind of
>document elements. You can have a look at schemas
>RefBib.S ans RefBibP.P in directory Thot/schemas.
>In our document models such as Rapport (see Rapport.S, RapportP.P),
>bibliographic references are individually refered in the text either by a
>number (rank in the list of citations) ou by an identifier written by hand
>(field Ident of RefBib elements). As you need list of references,
>you have to modify Rapport schemas in order to handle lists instead individual

Actually, I think it's more complicated than that, and I'm not at all
certain that Thot can handle this particular problem. The difficulty I see
is that the presentation depends on the actual content of the references,
i.e., if the same author occurs twice in a list, the format is different
than for two different authors, e.g.: (Smith, 1995, 1996) vs. (Smith, 1995;
Jones, 1996). The same holds for publications in the same year by an
author, vs. publications in different years: (Gobbel, 1995, 1995) vs.
(Gobbel, 1995a, 1995b). I can't find anything in any of the S, P, or T
languages that allows comparisons between element contents, only the
capability to check for empty contents.

Please correct me if I'm wrong! I would really like to be able to set this
up, but so far I'm stuck on this particular point.
