I answer in English, so that everyone can profit from my answer.
In our previous episode, Alexandre.Lenoir@greyc.ismra.fr said:
> Existe t il un schema de conversion de thot en latex2e, et non
> latex2.09 comme specifie dans la documentation? Je ne sais pas
> si cela est si important que ca.
Thanks for bringing this point forward. It's important as
latex2.09 is not very much supported nowadays. You'll find here after
a patch that you can apply to the file ~/opera/schemas/HTMLT.T. It's
a small upgrade which adds the necessary headers so that you can compile
thot's output with either latex2.09 or latex2e.
This patch will be integrated in the next Thot distribution.
Autre chose. Outre le manuel
> de reference, j'aimerais savoir si de grosse publications, genre
> these on deja ete realisees a l'aide de thot.
Yes. Since many years ago, both inside the OPERA team and outside it, Thot
is/has been used to write many thesis and all kinds of reports. Some users
of the linux-38 newsgroup also use Thot to write their documentation.
> Je suis sur le point >de rediger, et je me tate encore quand a l'editeur
> a utiliser. Au pire, j'utiliserais latex2e, mais une couche au
> dessus ne me ferais pas de mal.
For writing a thesis, we advice to use the Rapport format. In addition,
this format allows to export to the latex format. You may need to jiggle
a bit the resulting latex file.
If necessary, we can modify the P and T so to give a better latex export.
Contributions are welcome too!
-Jose Kahan