Dear Euromath team,
We're glad to know your interest for the Thot editor. This editor is based on
the Thot library. Another application, named Amaya, was also developed by our
local W3C team on the same Thot library. The Amaya application is an authoring
tool for the Web. So Amaya manages HTML documents and links.
When we mentioned our goal to extend Thot towards XML, we thought about an
of the W3C application and of course an extension of the Thot library.
XML is a W3C recommendation and we need to support it in Amaya.
The AMS has proposed an XML application for mathematics: MathML. I think this
XML dtd is not too far from your Euromath dtd.
We have experimented MathML in Amaya and even if the implementation is not
yet, I suggest you to download Amaya sources or binaries to see if it's a good
for your future work.
You can get more information about Amaya at: