Media Resources Delivery Time


barinria1 barinria2 barinria3 barinria4
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4

We calculate here the delivery time of each image, from our server ( to the visitor machine.

The formulas as it were appeared in (1):

Media resource size (Image1) = 791 KB
Media resource size (Image2) = 264 KB
Media resource size (Image3) = 131 KB
Media resource size (Image4) = 33.4 KB

Transformed time or T_Transformation:
T_Transformation(Image1) = 0 (The original resource)
T_Transformation(Image2|Image3|Image4) = beta (supposed fixed)

Delivery Time = 2*DRTT + (Size/BA) + Sum{i=l+1}^{n}(T_Transformation(Media resource_i))

Which is equivalent to:

2*DRTT+ (Media resource size/BA); for Image1 (the original resource)


2*DRTT+ (Media resource size/BA)+ß; for the other images.

Click on 'Get the resource' button to calculate interactively the delivery time of the chosen resource to your machine:


The total delivery time of this multimedia document equals to the sum of the delivery time of each images plus the applet loading time plus the delivery time of the Delivery.html document. More we apply adaptation in multimedia documents, more we gain in the delivery time and thus to be sweet for limited environments, unless the adaptation processes take a lot of time.


(1) A Framework for Media Resources Manipulation in an Adaptation and Negotiation Architecture, By Tayeb Lemlouma and Nabil Layaïda, August 2001.