Presentation. Petteri Nurmi. University of Helsinki - Department
of Computer Science. |
Manifestation of
Composite Multimedia Objects to Satisfy Access Control Requirements.
Vijayalakshmi Atluri, Nabil R. Adam, Ahmed Gomaa and Igg Adiwijaya.
CIMIC and MSIS Department - Rutgers University (Newark) and
AdvanTechnologies Inc. |
a Framework to Develop Plastic User Interfaces. Montserrat
Sendin1 , Jesús Lorés, Francisco Montero and
Victor L opez. Computer Science and Industrial Engineering
Department, University of Lleida, Spain. Higher Polytechnic
School of Albacete, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. |
An XML Based Solution
to Delivering Adaptive Web Content for Mobile Clients. Wenzheng
Gu and Abdelsalam Sumi Helal. Computer and Information Science
and Engineering Department, University of Florida, Gainesville,
USA. |
dynamique de services. Marcel Cremene, Michel Riveill, Christian
Martel, Calin Loghin and Costin Miron. Université Technique
Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie, Laboratoire I3S, Sophia Antipolis,
Université de Nice, (France) and Equipe SysCom, Université
de Savoie, Bourget-du-Lac, France. |
SEFAGI Project:
Simple Environment For Adaptable Graphical Interfaces. Tarak
CHAARI. Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de
Lyon, Laboratoire d'informatique en Images et Systèmes
d'information. Ecole Doctorale Informatique et Information
pour la société. France. |
framework support for dynamic personalized multimedia
content on mobile systems. Ansgar Scherp and Susanne Boll.
OFFIS, Oldenburg and University of Oldenburg. |
Modeling service-based
multimedia content adaptation in pervasive computing. Girma
Berhe, Lionel Brunie and Jean-Marc Pierson. Lab. d'InfoRmatique
en Images et Systèmes d'information (LIRIS) INSA de
LYON, Villeurbanne, France |
Service Infrastructure. Dr. Andreas O. Lindner. Mobilkom Austria. |
Adaptation Dynamique
dans les Applications Multimédia Réparties.
O. Layaida. Sardes. INRIA, France. |
to the SMIL Multimedia Language. Kari Pihkala. Helsinki University
of Technology. |
A Small Investigation
of the software architecture of some XML to LaTeX Converters.
Peter Frey and Richard Lang. Graz University of Technology
TUG. |
langage SMIL au service des Sciences Humaines et Sociales.
Vincent Kober, Daniel Weck and Cécile Roisin. INRIA |
Multi-Agents. Lesgaa Nawel and Geuchetouli Sofiane. Université
Sorbonne ParisI and Université Orsay ParisXI. |
General Architecture for M-Learning. Anna Trifonova and Marco
Ronchetti. University of Trento, Departement of Information
and Communication Technology, Trento (Italy). |