and research in progress
Paper: Système
d'Adaptation et d'Interaction pour les Utilisateurs Mobiles -
Description Technique, July 2005. (PDF)
Paper: Content
Interaction and Formatting for Mobile Devices, July 2005.
- internal link)
and images formatting and interaction for mobile phones :
MIDP 1.0 and CLDC 1.0 or higher. Experimentations on a MIDP-1.0
& CLDC-1.0 mobile phone. (more..)
Prospective : multimédia
et nomadisme... Quelles évolutions pour le multimédia
sur les terminaux mobiles, talk for IN'Tech
2005, May 12, 2005, INRIA Rhône Alpes, France. (pdf)
Member of the program committee of the WEBIST
2005 international conference (Web Information Systems
and Technologies), Deauville Beach Resort, Miami, USA, 26 - 28
May, 2005.
Member of the program committee of the EATIS
2006 (Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information
Systems), Santa Marta, Colombia, Februrary 7-10, 2006.
Adaptation et négociation
de contenus, talk for GT Documents Multimédia (GT 3.3)
of GDR I3, December
10th 2004, Grenoble, France. (pdf)
Multimedia Content Representation
and adaptation for the mobile devices: a survey of SMIL/MMS/PSS
technologies for 3GPP/3GPP2, talk for MIPS
2004, November 2004, Grenoble, France. (more
info, pdf)
Member of the program committee of the MCMP-05
(First International Workshop on Managing Context Information
in Mobile and Pervasive Environments) In conjunction with MDM
2005 (6th International Conference on Mobile Data Management),
MDM 2005, Ayia
Napa, Cyprus, May 9-13, 2005.
L'adaptation et la négociation dans une architecture de
composants JSF. (more
SVG Tiny (SVGT) et XHTML basic : langages pour des composants
JSF mobiles. (more info)
Web Parsing of UPS profiles: for transformations and mobile devices
statistics.. (more
Member of the program committee of the Special
Track on Handheld
Computing (HHC) of The 20th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing,
2005, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA March 13 - 17, 2005.
Participation in the papers review for the The 8th World Multi-Conference
on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI
2004, July 18-21, 2004 - Orlando, Florida, USA
PHD Thesis (PDF, 4756 Ko)
Devices UPS repository
to UPS transformation
XQuery for UPS
profiles processing and matching
J2ME Technologies
for mobile devices
Based Adaptation
Manipulation and Personalization
Resources Adaptation
Profile Creation
JAVA Package for CC/PP Profiles Creation
to SVG: SVG generation from XML content
Universal Profiling Schema for Content Negotiation (PDF,
Profiling for Content Negotiation: Application Example
Generic Transformation for User Personalization: Dynamic XSLT
style sheet generation from the user profile
Proxy-Based Adaptation and Negotiation architecture
Framework for Media Resources Manipulation in an Adaptation and
Negotiation Architecture.
with SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
Adaptation to Mobile Devices (HTML to WML)
Since 20
January 2003 I am a member of the Device
Independence Working Group of the W3C.
The Device Independence Activity merges the "Mobile Access
Activity" and "TV and the Web Activity" to facilitate
interchange in the interest of device independent Web access and
Workshop: A position paper
in HTML 4.01) in the W3C
Workshop on Device Independent Authoring Techniques, 25-26
September 2002, SAP University, St. Leon-Rot, Germany. (PDF)
Workshop: A position paper
in XHTML) and a presentation (content in PDF,
in the W3C
Delivery Context Workshop, 4-5 March 2002, W3C/INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis,
Presentation: A presentation
in the MMM 2001, the 8th International Conference on Multimedia
Modeling, Amsterdam, 5-7 November 2001. (PDF,
Publication: A Paper participation
in the MMM 2001:
8th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Amsterdam,
5-7 November 2001. click
to our work
work and studies have been referenced in several applications. Here
we give a non-complete list of applications and research work that
have referenced and used the NAC architecture
and related work that we have done. (more
An implemented negotiation and adaptation architecture. (HTML)
Server Logs Analyze Using the XML Technology:
XML related technologies facilitate the adaptation and the analyse
of servers data. Here, we give an application that allows to transform
the server logs into generic XML and to do XSLT analyse of the content.
Client Profile Determination:
Some information about the client user agent can be extracted automatically.
In addition to the package that we have already developed in Java
and which aims to extract some client characteristics using the
Windows Registry (application). Here we give an Online client using
the Windows registrey (application).
Here we give an Online client profile determination using Java script.
Click here to see some information
about your user agent profile.
Servers in a Negotiation Architecture:
To reply to the adaptation needs of users (PDA, WAP phones, PCs,
etc.), in terms of providing adapted content that depends to client
preferences and capabilities, special servers must be designed.
We give here a simple application
that can transform any connected machine into a real server accessible
in the Internet network. You have just to download this simple java
program and to run it permanently on your machine. The server provides
automatically the visitor IP address. Download here the server program:
E-Learning content negotiation:
Discusses the content
negotiation in the e-learning environment.
Content Negotiation
services delivery:
Contains an applet that calculates a proportional multimedia delivery
time from our server ( to the user (visitor) machine.
Inspired from the following document: A Framework for Media Resources
Manipulation in an Adaptation and Negotiation Architecture, By Tayeb
Lemlouma and Nabil Layaïda, August 2001. (For good visualization
use Internet Explorer)
Delivery Time
XHTML+SMIL demonstration, XML documents to LaTeX documents transformation
and a WAP version of this site which can be acceded by WAP phones
and WML emulators.
Photo creation for mobiles
An application for the
adaptation and the creation of images and logos for mobile phones.
(not all mobile models are included) (Application)
An application for automatic
client profile creation. Concerned clients are those using the
MS Windows platform (Application)
UPSProfiles Package
A Java package for the
ceration of valid CC/PP profiles (Package)
Mobile SMS sender
A JAVA API that can send
short SMS to mobile phones. The API uses an SMS gateway, and allows
to send a message to a phone number with indicating the sender
name. The API can be used in the context of services adaptation.
It was tested on a free SMS
gatway, which allows to send messages to some kind of
mobile phones, the implementation can be adapted on other gateways
that provide specific details on the messages exchange way (the
Simple server
A simple JAVA program which
can be used to make a real server when it is run permanently on
a machine. As an example of services, the given server gives the
IP address of the visitor and provide the list of visitors with
their access time. (Class)
Multimedia Services Delivery
Services delivery time
according to the demanded resource. (Applet)
Functional Programming
The centered Garbage Collector
and its generalization in distributed systems. (Application)
Constraint Logic Programming (CLP)
Application of the puzzle
'Send + More = Money', three algorithms are used. The problem
of the magic square is also resolved by the application and this
using always CLP. (Application)
page is adaptable for PDA devices
This site
and all contents (unless otherwise noted) are Copyright ©2001,
Tayeb Lemlouma, All rights reserved.