Thot Editor Opera Project

Thot Editor Alpha 2.1e Release







About this release

Release date: October 20, 1997

This release should be considered as a snapshot of a work in progress. A large part of the intended features of Thot Editor are implemented, but some of them are not complete yet and the software is not supposed to be very robust. The user interface may change and can be improved.

Check out the list of new features and corrected bugs.

Getting the source distribution

Download the thoteditor-src-2.1e.tar.gz Thot editor source code distribution from the (Opera server in Europe) or (Sunsite.Unc.Edu US server) or any of the Sunsite.Unc.Edu Mirrors under the apps/editors/X Linux directory.

With this file, you can install the source tree and compile Thot Editor.

Thot Editor includes a spell-checker. If you wish to use this feature, you must download and install the dictionaries contained in the following files (same files for all architectures) :

Getting the binary distribution

Thot Editor is also realased in precompiled binaries for the following set of Unix platforms :

Thot Editor includes a spell-checker. If you wish to use this feature, you must download and install the dictionaries contained in the following files (same files for all architectures) :

Please follow the the instructions given in the installing notes for binaries distribution.


Thot Editor is covered by the INRIA and Grif S.A. Copyright Statement. Please read it carefully before installing the software.

Stéphane Bonhomme
Date 1997/09/18