Re: Thot and Motif

Daniel Veillard (
Tue, 02 Apr 1996 11:43:50 +0100

>Does thot require Motif. I downloaded the binaries and the program doesn't

As explained previously ( )
Thot doesn't requires Motif to be preinstalled on your system. But the Motif
libraries are included statically in the binaries distributed.
Could you give us more information and/or facts concerning the program
not functionning properly. Are you sure that you downloaded the right kind
of binaries (elf instead of a.out). Also check that your DISPLAY environment
variable is correctly set. The section 25 of the manual is dedicated
to trouble-shooting and is available at the following URL :
Also verify that all the dynamic libraries needed are present using the
following command : ldd /usr/local/thot/bin/*/thotmain .

linuxly yours,


Daniel Veillard : | INRIA Rhone-Alpes | You should give me a chance | 655 av de l'Europe | This can't be the end
Tel : (33) 76 61 53 85 | 38330 Montbonnot | I'm still loving you
Fax : (33) 76 54 76 15 | France | Scorpions
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