Re: Making index in thot.

Caldera OpenLinux User (
Mon, 15 Sep 1997 21:08:28 +0200 (MEST)


Thanks for your answer.

> Hi !
> Making index in Thot is explained in the section 22 of the Thot Manual

Yes I know that but the text is hard to understand or it is a bug in my
thot or I am so stupied that I don't understand it.

> (Thot/doc/thoteditor/Thotman-E.PIV)
> In a few word you have to :
> 1- Activate the entry "Index to build..." from tools menu

Okey I will copy Thotman-E.PIV to my home dir to play around with. Now I
will put my pointer in the thext and go to Tools/Index to build

> 2 - This let you insert index marks in the document by selecting the word you
> want to index and activate the menu entry Edit/Insert (or click on the left
> button in the document sheet) and choose Index_mark around.

Now I will mark the word "to" and go insert Index_mark around and the
Descriptors window pops up with my "to" word as reference. I will do this
for some words "and" "it" "other" "as" through "Index_mark around" and
then "create reference element" "text" and they will a be in the
Descriptors window.

> Once you've inserted th first mark, a view called "Descriptors" is opened.
> With this view you can check the indexed words and link new marks with an
> existing descriptor.

I will now take the word "and" again and do "Index_mark around" Show
referenced element" and then point in the Descriptors window on the "and"
word there. The hand will now disappear and I think my second index of
"and" is created. I will now do that for some word.

> 3 - Once the marks are created you can build the formatted view of the index
> with the entry Tools/Index to build. The final view is then showed (in blue
> because it is a read-only view).
> Hope this helps.

Now we will go "Tools/Index to build" a window will popup I accept the
defaults and press confirm. Nothing happends. I will open the Index view
and it is empty.
The folloing is my out put in the THOT console window

INDEX: 0 descriptors deleted
INDEX: 0 index marks deleted
INDEX: building table 1
INDEX: sort file for table 0 unknown