last change : 30.Oct. 98
French version
An authoring environment for multimedia documents
The WYSIWYG paradigm, very useful when editing a traditional document, is
not applicable for multimedia documents. Due to the dynamicity of some basic
objects and the need to temporally organize them, the authoring phase and the
presentation one cannot be merged in a multimedia document editor. This
explains why existing authoring environments are closer to programming
environments than to documents editors. Nevertheless, it would be a pity that
multimedia document authoring be reserved to skillful programmers.
With the MADEUS tool, the goal of the Opéra Project is to design an
authoring environment for multimedia documents, which meets the following
requirements :
- a high level of expressiveness for both spatial and temporal
- a user-friendly interactive interface;
- portability and cross-platform interchange of multimedia documents.
To achieve this goal, we focus on the following directions:
High structuration of the document
A multimedia document is organized according to three dimensions: logical,
temporal and spatial. Logical structuration gives the author the ability to
organize the document in nested components in order to divide its content in
logical parts. It helps him also in focusing on an isolated part of the
document during each step of the authoring process (sub-scenes of a multimedia
scenario). Temporal and spatial structurations are othogonal dimensions which
must take into account the logical one. This way of organizing a multimedia
document gives us the possibility to find appropriate specification languages
and formatting techniques for both the temporal and the spatial dimensions.
Moreover, the logical organization can be used to deduce temporal or spatial
information automatically, thus simplifying the author's task. Finally, this
is the good approach to allow the definition of generic models for multimedia
documents (like SGML for traditional documents). This work makes use of the
experience gained by the Opéra project in designing
Thot : a structured document editor.
Time Representation
Time representation is required to capture the temporal dimension of
multimedia objets like video, audio, etc. and is also used to temporally
organize objects with respect to each other. Time representation is clearly
the main difference between multimedia authoring environments and traditional
editing environments. An appropriate representation of time is the one which,
firstly has powerful expressiveness; secondly supports an interface with a
declarative approach in the manipulation of documents; finally can be handled
easily by incremental and efficient algorithms in order to meet the
interactivity of the editing phase and the performance issues required in the
presentation phase.
Our choice is based on the temporal constraint networks formalism defined
in the artificial intelligence area. It has the advantage to be easily
interfaced with a declarative symbolic representation based on the Allen's
temporal operators. It is also used as an execution support during the
presentation phase. Its structure of graph allows to define efficient
Interactive and Declarative Editing Interface
Our goal is to design a user-friendly editing interface which allows, as far
as possible, the direct manipulation of the document. To achieve this goal, a
declarative approach has been chosen. One of the major problems is to find an
intuitive way to represent and to directly manipulate the temporal
organization of the document, which is specified by using temporal
constraints. We also work on the design of an interactive interface of spatial
formatting based on the used of spatial constraints..
People involved in this work:
See the bibliography of the Opera
MADEUS is developped in the
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